
Manchester College Oxford Chapel Society (MCOCS, also known as Oxford Unitarians) is affiliated to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, but Membership is not dependent upon adherence to any creed or doctrine, and a variety of religious standpoints will be found within our congregation. Liberal principles are the basis of our fellowship, and we welcome any who wish to join us in our search for truth. A copy of our Constitution is available on request. It enshrines the following objects:

  1. to promote liberal religion in the worship of God and the service of humanity by public worship in the chapel of Manchester College, Oxford
  2. to affirm the ethos of the Judæo-Christian tradition and to support the principles of Unitarian Christianity
  3. to encourage an openness to insights from all the world’s religious traditions
  4. to promote co-operation among those who reject the imposition of creeds as a condition of association in religious fellowship

Members of the Chapel Society contribute a minimum of £80 p.a., from which a quota payment (currently £35) is forwarded to the General Assembly (GA) in support of the national Unitarian movement. Members are entitled to vote on local matters, serve on the chapel committee, and represent the congregation at the GA’s annual meeting and national issues.

Friends of the Chapel Society (typically members of other congregations who wish to be affiliated to ours) contribute a minimum of £15 p.a., which confers no voting rights but supports the work of the Chapel Society.

If you find yourself in sympathy with the objects of the Society, have been attending services for at least six months, and would like to become a Member or Friend, please e-mail the Acting Membership Secretary, Christopher Whitehouse at, who will be happy to let you have an application form. If you are transferring from another Unitarian or UU congregation, the time requirement can be waived. Once you have completed and returned the form your application will be forwarded to the committee for approval.